Checking in: Quarantine Fatigue, Filipino comfort Food, great as well as comfy Underwear, “Alone,” as well as Cats, of Course!


inspecting in with you today! things I’ve been watching, cooking as well as believing about this week.

Hei venn. Hvordan går det? I hope things are okay on your end. I’m feeling chatty today, so let’s catch up. before we get into it, though, turn up the sound, as well as enjoy this video:


Goodness gracious, I like her. So sassy!

I’m still here, still hanging on, although I’m absolutely feeling the impacts of quarantine tiredness (read about it here, right here as well as here).

Businesses as well as public facilities are slowly beginning to open up right here again. Parks, stores, restaurants (for outside dining only). Word on the street is Sephora will fling its doors open next week, too.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Part if me is relieved, as well as part of me is, like, “Well, what occurs if/when there’s a second wave? Or what if the vaccines don’t work?” I’ve been “adulting” quite intensely lately, as El Hub as well as I have seem to have severe discussions about difficult things, oh…every two seconds.

On the glass-half-full side, at least it’s not the zombie apocalypse! , Which would be about 100 times harder. Our metaphorical boat is still above water.

On that note, here’s some levity! This has kept me afloat this week…

My youth on a plate

You understand those foods that take you back to your childhood? Filipino mung bean stew (ginisang mungo) does that for me. We had it at least when a week during the week when I was growing up. It’s simple to make as well as oh-so fulfilling.

Mung beans look as well as taste a bit like lentils. When you cook them, they soften to an nearly creamy consistency.

Don’t even believe about serving it atop cauliflower rice.
There are lots of different riffs on this stew, which doesn’t have extremely lots of ingredients, however my preferred has bacon as well as spinach. as well as pancetta, shallot, garlic, dried mung beans (of course), beef broth, water as well as fish sauce.

My mommy as well as daddy always cooked it in a pot on the stove, however if you do it that method you have to soak the beans beforehand, as well as they take permanently to cook in a pot. If I get impatient, they don’t turn out as soft as well as creamy as I want them to be, so now I make it in the immediate Pot. In 10 minutes the beans are cooked perfectly.

Here’s what you do!

Saute a pack of chopped pancetta (I get the pre-diced bundle at Trader Joe’s) in the immediate Pot up until the fat has rendered, as well as add 1 chopped medium shallot as well as 3 tablespoons of chopped garlic. continue to saute up until great as well as fragrant, as well as then turn off the heat.

Add 2 cups of beef broth, 1 cup of water, as well as 1 cup of rinsed mung beans (I did not soak them).

Cook on high pressure on the Bean setting for 10 minutes, as well as then utilize the immediate Pot’s quick release to release the heavy steam (be careful!). then add fish sauce to taste, as well as throw a few handfuls of spinach in there. stir up until wilted.

To get the full Filipino experience, you have to serve it on top of white rice. ??

If you don’t have fish sauce around, you can likewise utilize ordinary salt to flavor the stew, or try a different sauce that has a salty undertone, like soy sauce, tamari or perhaps even Worcestershire sauce. It’ll modification the flavor profile, however as long as it’s yummy, right? hvem bryr seg?

Instant Pot saves the day!
I made this a few days ago, as well as it did me a world of good. I’ve been missing my family, as well as this tastes just like home.

Åh! — I gotta provide a shout-out to my Instagram friend Beverly. She articles Filipino recipes every Friday, as well as she made this meal in her stories last week, which got me craving for it.

For the like of granny panties

Allow me to provide you some area for a preemptive “thank you” since your granny panty-lovin’ heart will be permanently altered for the much better after you buy this six-pack of Fruit of the Loom Women’s Breathable Micro-Mesh Low-Rise Briefs from Target for $13.99.

Say “yes” to underpants.
I’m normally a cotton undies kinda woman because of being unusually specific about breathability, however even though these are 93% Polyester as well as 7% Spandex, the micro-mesh produces a great breeze that cascades over the mountains of your booty. The material is likewise wetness wicking.

The material is incredibly soft as well as easily lightweight. No pulling or tugging either.

Even though these are allegedly “low-rise,” the waistband still goes up quite high, so my stomach still feels covered up sufficient when I’m using high-rise pants.

The sizing is quite on point too.


“Alone” on the history channel

EHRMAHGOODNESS. I like as well as dislike this show. Det eren sannhetskonkurranse hvor 10 personer (villmarksprofessorer samt overlevende som forstår hva de gjør) blir droppet av i en hard, fjernt villmark, plasser alt i seg selv, så vel som med begrensede bestemmelser, så vel som den personen som varer av Land de lengste vinner en halv million dollar.

Jeg liker det. Jeg avslutter den opp før senga så vel som ganske halvt se det mens jeg strekker seg. Så, hvis jeg er å håndtere ned på min yoga matte under Pigeon Pose, kan jeg bare henge tilgjengelig i noen minutter, så vel som halvtur uten å savne mye. Men det er et interessant show! Jeg er bare utstyrt for å styre biler og lastebil camping (jeg må ha et dusjrom med rennende vann samt en dusj samt toalett i nærheten. Disse er ikke-omsettelige.), Så jeg oppdager mye.

Jeg ville trykke ut selv før de droppet meg av, tbh.

Det er også interessant akkurat hvor så mye koker ned til flaks. Selv de aller beste utdannede, mange erfarne deltakerne ofte bukker for grunnleggende rottet lykke. Det handler ikke alltid om den mest kompetente personen som gjør det til slutten. Ofte er det bare den personen som håndterer for å unnslippe mye mer av mors naturens metaforiske kuler.

Uansett, dette er også hvorfor jeg samtidig misliker dette showet – siden etter at El Hub likte om fem episoder begynte han å få ideer. Sist søndag gikk vi på en tur med den nærliggende Indian Valley Nature Preserve, så vel som han tok en beslutning om å lage en bue, så vel som pilen som bruker materialer han oppdaget på stien.

Nå er han dekket i gift eik.

Og hvorfor er han dekket i gift eik? Vel, siden han lagde sin bue så vel som pilen ut av gamle tørre gift-eikgrener uten å innse det.


Rosies nye rolle: Babydoll

Sist, men absolutt ikke minst, fortsetter jeg å fange disse to besties kudling, så vel som å spille sammen, så vel som det er den søteste tingen. Rosie er så, så tålmodig. Hun lar Connor behandle henne som hennes spedbarnsdukke. Connor kjoler henne opp i dukke klær, så vel som wraps hennes poter rundt teddy bjørner samt fylte dyr.


Anywho, det er det jeg har vært så mye som denne uken så langt. Nøyaktig hvordan har du det?

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,


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