Quick makeup Query: I feel naked Without [FILL IN THE BLANK]?


Mascara, please.
A concern for you on this beautiful morning.

For numerous years, it was under-eye concealer for me, up until I just recently realized that I might really online my life without it. (Side note: This was incredibly liberating.)


Now I feel totally naked if my lashes aren’t curled as well as I’m not using mascara, since the simple act of applying even a single coat of mascara does much more for my eyes than truly anything else — much more than doing my brows, much more than concealer, much more than eyeliner.

Basically, when I’m using mascara as well as my lashes are curled, I feel like a legitimate member of the living, ha ha!

So, yeah, that’s my answer, as well as I’m staying with it.

Hva med deg?

Ditt vennlige samfunn sjarmavhengig,



P.S. typically when I get a new book, I devour it as rapidly as a can, as well as sometimes I’ll even stay up half the night reading it, however I’m trying something new with crazy rich Asians, which I just started. I’m aiming for three chapters a day… Don’t ask me why I decided on three. It just seemed like a good number, LOL!

Anyway, I’m hoping this will let me savor the story a bit bit more? We’ll see if I’m really able to stay with it…

When you get a new book, do you generally checked out it quick as well as furiously, or do you like to speed yourself as well as spread it out?

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