Sundays with Tabs the Cat, makeup and appeal blog Mascot, Vol. 129


A Q&A with Tabs the Cat

1. favorite place in the world: The top of my cat tower, from where I may observe my domain and assert dominance over the humans.

2. best day: Sleep, gravy, sleep. a lot more gravy.


3. Food can’t live without: fancy Feast Tuna in — you guessed it — gravy.

4. Fondest memory: My very first Chanel runway show in Paris. after all the hard work and auditions, I felt like I finally made it, ya know?

5. Hobby: Knitting. Jeg vet, ikke sant? I may not have opposable thumbs, but I can still knit/perl with the best of ’em.


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6. greatest pet peeve: people who yell when they’re angry. I like to assert my anger by means of silent psychological mind games.

7. best thing I read in the last year: Homer’s Odyssey: A Fearless Feline Tale, or how I learned about love and Life with a Blind wonder Cat.

8. Inspiration: I’m inspired by gravy those who push the boundaries of creativity.

9. Looking forward to: The nap I’m about to take.

10. least favorite word: Veterinarian.

11. anxiety reliever: Kneading/making biscuits on my assistant’s tummy or thighs. She claims it ruins her clothes…but I wouldn’t exactly call her trendy anyway. Homegirl’s a hot mess. She dresses like a pre-teen surfer boy.

12. celebrity to play you in a movie: Brad Pitt. I believe he could accurately portray my intensity. Plus, we have the same abs.

13. a lot of recent tweet: @thesmerz You inspired me to work on my posing. See, I had my assistant @karenmbb take my photo too!

14. favorite guilty pleasure: Stealing makeup from my assistant and hoarding it all in my secret stash, hee hee!

15. song you know the most lyrics to: Madonna’s material Girl. It’s my karaoke jam.

16. favorite show: Cats 101 on animal Planet. bra saker.

17. favorite show you’re embarrassed to admit you watch: jersey Shore. I know it’s rotting my brain, but I just can’t stop.

18. All-time favorite movie: cat on a hot Tin Roof.

19. Alma mater: I dropped out of school to pursue my modeling career, but I recently received an honorary degree in Feline Studies from UC Davis. GO AGS!

20. appeal secret: Pamper yourself! I’m a firm believer in spas and salons. Oh, and don’t forget to do your sit-ups.

Who is Tabs the Cat? about three years ago I befriended a stray, flea-bitten tabby cat with a bad case of worms. I could see he’d fallen on hard times, but his profound knowledge of high fashion and department store cosmetics led me to believe that he was a lot more than meets the eye. We became fast friends, and now he’s actually my boss (and a successful kitty model).


Din vennlige appellavhengig i nabolaget,


S. Jeg håper du hadde en god helg. Tabs and I are enjoying Dawn of the Dead on TV and eating frozen yogurt for dinner. Well, I’m having yogurt… He’s having you know what.

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